Excel at Remote Work

How Mural can help you win new work opportunities & collaborate better

Ajay Rajani
3 min readMar 17, 2020

I know you’ve probably been receiving tons of Covid-19 related communication from various companies and products you subscribe to, but given the extent to which our work lives have changed and are changing as a result, I felt compelled to share a few thoughts on how Mural can help.

I don’t do this lightly. I’ve been taking, and continue to take, Covid-19 very seriously. But I started Mural as a passion project to help people move to and excel at independent work.

Now, as more and more companies and industries embrace remote work, there are a few key ways in which Mural can be particularly and meaningfully helpful.

1 → Help you acquire more/new remote work

For those of you looking to acquire new/more work opportunities, Mural is the single easiest way to convince new remote clients/employers that you’re the right person for their unique needs. Use your prior work to prove that you can do the job well, and curate different collections with custom portfolios and personas to customize that story for individual clients/opportunities.

2 → Help remote teams collaborate better

As you and others strive to stay up to date on what each other is doing and how teams are performing, Mural can help you do just that. Aggregate your recent/ongoing work, tag contributors to give credit, and share with people who need to know so they can stay informed and track your progress. You can even use Custom Collections to clearly delineate projects/work by week or month — and use tags to filter by team, theme or KPI.

3 → Help remote education work better

As more and more schools, colleges and universities shut down and move exclusively to virtual education — digitally sharing assignments, work, and other materials between students and teachers become increasingly important. Mural can help teachers/professors easily share/visualize learning materials and assignments, curate them by week/month, and track individual student progress. Similarly, Mural can help students share their work, projected materials and completed assignments — and enable peers, partners and teachers to follow their progress.

If you have any questions or feedback on how any of the above could work for you, por favor do get in touch with me at ajay@corelabs.xyz. I’d love to hear from you.

And as always, feel free to get inspiration from how others have used Mural to achieve their professional goals and improve their remote workflows.

With best wishes and love (now more than ever).



Ajay Rajani

Entrepreneur & investor soundbiting this adventure. Cofounder: @meet_gerry, muralapp.io, & inevitable.vc. Formerly: Founding CMO @Tala.